When preparing for the arrival of your new puppy there are somethings that we recommend you should already have.

A crate, you can have a larger crate, but make sure there is a divider.

When your puppy is smaller you will want to have the divider so the

space is just small enough for the puppy, giving them too much space

could result in the puppy having an accident in one corner and sleeping

in the other. A play pen is also recommended.

 At least one bag of dog food. We recommend PawTree.

You can learn more about PawTree and ordering info. here. 

Feeding Bowls, we suggest stainless steel bowls for

better bacteria control.

Grooming supplies

Toys, we provide a few toys at pick up, but your puppy will

want many more. We recommend antlers, NO RAWHYDE,

squeeky toys, and balls.

We have all of these products on the

Recommended Products Page

Preparing For Your Puppy